Psalmayene 24 | A Vision of the Artist

Psalmayene 24 is the recipient of the prestigious The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation / HowlRound Theatre Commons National Playwright Residency Program Award, providing three years of salary and workshop funding to Mosaic to support the residency. Join us as we explore Psalm's life, past+current work, and vision for his three years at Mosaic with special guests Marc Bamuthi Joseph, Jennifer L. Nelson, Janet Stanford, and James J. Johnson. Projects may include 'Dear Mapel', based on the Psalmayene 24’s letters (actual and imagined) to the deceased father he hardly knew; a hip-hop theatrical portrait of DC's controversial "Mayor For Life," Marion Barry; The H Street Corridor Initiative, showcasing proud DC voices culled from interviews of residents along H Street; and 'Freedom Strike', which tells the story of a Black performance artist who cuts off the head of Abraham Lincoln from the Emancipation Statue.